Important technologies for web developers

Sometimes it can be hard to find a structured set of articles about important concepts and technologies in web development. And sometimes people just don’t know what to search for when they want to have a deeper understanding of the web in general. My teammate recently asked me for some good articles about web development and I struggled to provide an answer immediately. That is why I decided to compile a decent (but not exhaustive) list of important technologies (with corresponding articles) for understanding web development better....

November 22, 2021

Let's Encrypt introduces new certificates

Let’s Encrypt’s New Root and Intermediate Certificates We don’t hear updates on encryption technologies very often, but recently Let’s Encrypt, a major certificate authority (CA), has introduced new types of certificates. These certificates use ECDSA encryption algorithm instead of RSA. The main difference is size. RSA public key is about 256 bytes long when ECDSA P-384 public key is only about 48 bytes preserving the same level of security. Let’s Encrypt is provides free certificates with good tools for their refresh, that is why it is so popular....

September 21, 2020